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Finnish network companies invest jointly into Landis+Gyr’s AIM system

The joint investment of Keuruun Sähkö Oy and Koillis-Satakunnan Sähkö Oy shows that the latest metering technology is not only the privilege of big companies but is at disposal of all progressive energy companies. Among the advantages brought by the investment are improved customer service and development of balance settlement.

“The main target, as installations progress, is to change from estimation based invoicing to actual consumption based invoicing. At the same time measuring accuracy is increased and losses cut down,” says CEO Tapio Ollila from Keuruun Sähkö. “Today’s urban metering technology is advanced and costs of the system are reasonable”, he estimates.

The automatic metering management (AMM) system for the urban communities of Keuruu and Virrat is based on low voltage PLC technology. The network companies will take care of the installation process themselves. The system is expected to be in full operation within three years.

“The replacement of metering devices at the end of their operating life is scheduled according to our own resources and the availability of the technology that suits our needs,” says operations manager Aimo Rinta-Opas from Koillis-Satakunnan Sähkö.

Both energy companies have previous experience from automatic metering management in smaller scale. The investment made now is a step towards full-blown deployment.

“AMM has proven to be profitable also for small and midsized companies in population centres. Also the technology serving the special needs of sparsely populated areas is now quickly developing, states Rauno Leinonen, sales director for Landis+Gyr Enermet.

More information:
Keuruun Sähkö Oy, CEO Tapio Ollila +358 40 503 1344
Koillis-Satakunnan Sähkö Oy, operations manager Aimo Rinta-Opas +358 44 735 5222
Landis+Gyr Enermet Oy, sales director, Rauno Leinonen +358 40 5666 6763

Keuruun Sähkö Group consists of Keuruun Sähkö Oy and Keuruun Lämpö Oy and Keuruun Voima Oy. Keuruun Sähkö Oy also partially owns Sähkö-Virkeät Oy. The group operates in the western Central Finland region in the municipalities of Keuruu and Multia and the upper Pirkanmaa region.

Koillis-Satakunnan Sähkö Oy sells and distributes electricity and electricity related services to its customers. Its distribution network area is where southern Bothnia, Central Finland and Pirkanmaa meet. Main owners of the company are the municipalities of Virrat, Ähtäri, Alavus, Töysä, Keuruu and Kihniö.

Landis+Gyr is the market leader in advanced metering and load management solutions for the energy industry. Our solid end-to-end solutions offer complete functionality and improved efficiency for energy company’s processes in the metering value chain. Our extensive portfolio of electricity, heat and gas meters as well as load management products offers market’s best quality, precision and reliability. Landis+Gyr is part of Bayard Group; companies providing cutting-edge solutions for smart metering.